Top Selling Men's Christian Books

Greetings. If you are a man (or perhaps shopping for one) and are interested in reading some of the best selling Christian books for men, you are in the right place! The book listings on this webpage have been selected especially for men who love to read and want to grow in Christ.

The author of a page-turning Christian book called Doing Time With God has made this website possible. If you would like to learn more about this book you can find more information below. 

In addition, you can find the top-selling list of books by scrolling farther down the page. Each best-selling book is listed by title, author, and description. If you would like additional information on any of the books listed, just click on the book's title and you will be taken to the Amazon page where you can read reviews and other information that may be helpful.

We hope you are able to find a great book/s from our selection of the 
top selling men's Christian books.

Robbed and Shot at ATM. Craving Revenge. Author Bill Dyer Was Locked Up In Anger, Hatred, And Resentment. Then A Miracle Happened. God Led Bill Out Of Darkness And Into Prison To Share His Story With Inmates For The Unfinished Business Of Experiencing Christ's Presence Like Never Before.


Doing Time With God - by Bill Dyer

In your search for great men's Christian books, this page-turner reveals how the love of Christ is having its way for God's purposes. Readers are drawn into transformative conversations between crime victims and prison inmates. Thought provoking questions give readers the opportunity to reflect and find meaning for their own lives and relationships. For those who enjoy discussions about deepening their faith and growing in Christ, this life-giving book is a perfect choice for book clubs and small groups. 

There are so many places that people turn to in crisis or during trying times in history. Some people go to addictions and others to escapism. There is also the life of sin that promises a very temporary relief. As Christians and as men, we know that going to God is really the only solution that works. We have seen people get caught up in revenge plots and other things they think are solutions, only to find them backfiring.

This is why we as men need to stand for something. This does not mean that we cannot stand up to injustice. It means that there's a Christian way to address the world and the wrongdoings in the world.
These best Christian books for men are popular because many people have found them helpful. They are books that allow men to relax and to soak in some good wisdom.

While many men wish they could be Biblical scholars, chances are that they do not even have college classes in theology. This is because not many men have had the privilege of attending a Christian university. Also, there are men that do not feel called to know about theology, but they still want to live a godly life. This just means that they would probably not enroll to become a pastor.

This does not imply though that Christian men should not have extensive knowledge of the Bible. Many of these men's Christian inspirational books help to simplify the knowledge that scholars have obtained about the Bible and its context. They put it into language that is accessible and helps men that don't have a lot of extra time to do very in-depth studies.

Some of the books in the list of these best Christian books for men are quite intellectual as well, so a person doesn't have to worry about being talked down to as a layman if one does not want to.
There are all kinds of things that Christian men have to deal with these days. Picking up a book on any subject matter is a sign of strength and not of weakness.

This is why these top selling men's Christian books are popular on Amazon. Other people have had similar issues and have been able to find strength through the words that they read. They may have even bought the book for a men's Bible study if it was pertinent enough. There are so many reasons that these books become popular, but it is usually because the title, subject matter, and the style of writing hits a nerve with others.

If you feel that you will benefit from some inspirational reading material about your faith, it's probably because you really want advice on something. It could be alternatively that you just feel like you are lacking the motivation to see things through properly or with zest.

These men's Christian books best sellers will help to provide a little more comfort back to your life again so that you can breathe better. God wants to give you new life through new words so pick up a copy of one of the following titles.

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Top Selling Men's Christian Books

1. The Richest Man in Babylon 
by George S. Clason
This is a book that can help Christian and non-Christians alike to increase savings and acquire wealth. The ethical strategies take from Babylon, but they can be applied easily to a modern context. Christians can use this wealth as a way to help and bless others. 

2. Twelve Ordinary Men: How the Master Shaped His Disciples for Greatness, and What He Wants to Do With You

by John F. MacArthur
The disciples were ordinary men that got a glimpse into an extraordinary life. They walked with Christ on earth. This book shows how normal people can be used by God in mighty ways. Many consider this book to be one of the great Christian men's study books.

They Were Christians: The Inspiring Faith of Men and Women Who Changed the World 
by Cristobal Krusen
The people in this book are notable figures that changed the world. The only thing they really have in common is that they were Christians. Be inspired by this novel of Christians who made a difference.  

4. Warrior: Equipping Men for Spiritual Victory 
by Lance Ingram
The warrior concept in Christianity applies to people who are in the everyday walks of life. Christian men can be warriors if they allow God to infused their lives with purpose and meaning not found elsewhere. This is one of those excellent Christian books for men's groups.

5. The Christian Man: A Conversation About the 10 Issues Men Say Matter Most

by Patrick Morley
There is so much that men struggle with in the world. These issues though have made the top of the list for the men interviewed. This book is relatable to men who grapple with meaning and meaningfulness. 

Waiting for Heaven: Freedom from the Incurable Addiction to Self 
by Larry Crabb
Ultimately, we are all waiting for Jesus to come back. This is the cry of our hearts. This is why the world is so full of sin and addiction. This book will help people understand that focus can change behavior.  

Here Are A Few More Of The Best

Top Selling Men's Christian Books

7. The Heart of a Warrior: Before You Can Become the Warrior, You Must Become the Beloved Son
by Michael Thompson
All Christian men are also God's sons. This Christian men's self help books, this shows how Christian men can really benefit from the principle of learning how they are God's sons. This book explores what this all means. 

8. Bad Decisions - The Legacy of Lot 

by Carlton Coon
Everyone remembers Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt, but not as many have examined the life of Lot. He also has a whopper of a story. He was the one that chose to move to sin-sopped Sodom after all. Learn from Lot as the author shows Lot's mistakes.

Gospel Assurance And Warnings
by Paul Washer
When it comes to the gospel, the apostle Paul was serious about its preaching. He even pronounced a curse for those who distort the teachings. This is pretty sobering stuff. One of the top selling men's Christian books, this one shows that people can be truly transformed by the gospel through the power of Jesus Christ.

10. Fear Has a Name: A Pulse-Pounding Contemporary Christian Thriller (The Crittendon Files Book 1)

by Creston Mapes
This thriller has an interesting plot. A loner who came back to his hometown finds his crush already married. She is a journalist who is investigating the alleged suicide of a pastor. This fast-paced book is sure to enthrall.

Here's Why Doing Time With God Is One Of The

Most Inspirational Men's Christian Books

Doing Time With God is an unforgettable book in how it shines God's healing light into maximum security prisons where victims of violence and prisoners have gathered to lay everything on the line and trust God to work in and on them for purposes of healing and peace.

Many people today have different opinions about which books are the best men's Christian books. Best sellers are obviously in a class of their own, but there was a time for each best selling book when that status had not yet been reached. Doing Time With God  may very well fit into that category because it provides a rare life-changing look into maximum security prisons where God is changing men through honesty, vulnerability, and love.

Not only does Doing Time With God it show how God is transforming lives in the last place many would expect, it is written so the reader can see himself in the stories and grow in Christ through the reflection questions that are included.

Doing Time With God Is A Great Men's Christian Inspirational Book Because It Takes You On A Transformative Journey Of Through The Love Of Christ

One Of The Great Books For Men's Groups, Doing Time With God  Is A Great Book That Shows The Courage It Takes To Surrender To The Will Of God For Purposes Greater Than Self

Doing Time With God Belongs With The Top Selling Men's Christian Books Because It Opens The Heart, Touches The Soul, And Renews The Mind 

While reading this book, you may experience these things happening in yourself. Discussion questions and an afterword by the author invite you to reflect on your own journey, discover new meaning, and expand this movement of Peace in your life.  

""Doing Time with God is packed full of courage, wisdom, and inspiration. I recommend this book to anyone who has lived the valleys and peaks of life; folks who are struggling with forgiveness, for those who are dealing with anger or loss. This book will give insight into what true unconditional love is like."
Scott H.

"…The presence of a loving, nurturing, and persistent God weaves its way through each page-turning account of how lives are changed by Faith. I highly recommend this book."
Joseph Pryor

Assistant Warden; Chief Chaplain, Federal Bureau of Prisons (retired)

"Restorative justice is, simultaneously, an ancient way of healing individuals and community, and at the cutting edge of the intersection between faith and justice. Doing Time with God and Bill Dyer are right at that edge."
Allison DeFoor

Prison Minister, Lawyer and Former Judge and Sheriff

"I read this with some skepticism at the beginning, but it truly opened my eyes to a new perspective regarding people who have committed crimes. Before reading this book I was more likely than not to condemn without any regard to understanding the person involved, and this book taught me to look at things in a different light. If I can be convinced to consider a new perspective, then this book is well written, informative and convincing."
Mike G.


"It is a tough thing to put aside your bias and offer help to those that have hurt others but after reading this book...the chapters offer a glimpse into a world most don't know or understand but the result is nothing short of amazing! "
Ryan B.  Murder Victim Family Member 
"The author conveys the message of God’s redemptive love in a moving and provocative way, without the use of big religious words or complicated theological thoughts. It’s a well written book telling compelling stories of healing; victims feel heard, offenders find hope of becoming valued members of society and the reader is moved in unexpected ways.”
S. Hicks