Men's Christian Inspirational Books

Welcome to If you are looking for great Christian books for men, you are in the right place! The books that are listed on this website have been organized specifically for men who have a desire to deepen their faith, expand their knowledge, and grow in Christ by reading different kinds of Christian books that are suitable for men.

This website was started by the author of a great book for men called Doing Time With God. There is a short introduction following this paragraph. If you would like to go directly to the main list pf books on each page, simply scroll down the page and you will see the titles of books. They are listed with the author's name and a description of what each book is about. All of the titles are linked to the sales page on Amazon for each book, where you can find additional information that may help you make a buying decision.

We wish you all the best on your Christian journey and hope you can find a good book from the 
men's Christian inspirational books that are listed here.

Robbed and Shot at ATM. Craving Revenge. Author Bill Dyer Was Locked Up In Anger, Hatred, And Resentment. Then A Miracle Happened. God Led Bill Out Of Darkness And Into Prison To Share His Story With Inmates For Unfinished Business.


Doing Time With God - by Bill Dyer

In your search for men's Christian inspirational books, this page-turner reveals how the love of Christ is having its way for God's purposes. Readers are drawn into transformative conversations between crime victims and prison inmates. Thought provoking questions give readers the opportunity to reflect and find meaning for their own lives and relationships. For those who enjoy discussions on faith, this inspiring book is a perfect choice for book clubs and small groups. 

When it comes to living the Christian life, men can sometimes feel that there isn't enough guidance. The Bible is an excellent place to start. However, when it comes to interpreting some of the concepts, it can be easier to turn to another source for guidance. People can't always ask the pastor either because pastors lead busy lives. Men might not always want to book an appointment with the pastor for simple things either. Instead, some of the best Christian books for men are great resources to use because this is one way that God provides guidance. This can be a good way to solve Biblical dilemmas on one's own.

The Bible says that people should be like the Bereans and search out things for themselves. Writers take time and great care to get the details right. This is why, when looking for 
men's Christian books, best sellers are a proven way to go when a person has a question. Here, a person can get the right answers and be encouraged along the way. Men lead extraordinarily complex lives these days. They cannot just stop all the time and do research on issues they face. This is where they can look to a book for answers.

These authors use the Bible and other sources to come up with ways to cope as a Christian in modern times. Everyone needs to know how to respond to situations as a Christian because Christians are supposed to act differently than the world does. If a person wanted to react in a secular way, then it would be easy to just go on emotions or use one's mind to try to solve problems. 

However, a Christian is called to a lifestyle that transcends what is mirrored in popular culture. This is where Christians can take a difficult situation and use it as an opportunity to shine for Christ. Some of the top selling men's Christian books can be a tremendous help.

This is often the way that non-Christians can see that there is something different about the Christian's demeanor and attitude. In the Bible, men are called to be leaders of the household, which basically means to set an example for everyone and to make decisions in line with Biblical principles. Men are also called to submit to their wives, and wives to submit to their husbands. This shows a sort of symbiotic relationship.

This is not a natural process for anyone. Men who are single are also encouraged in the Bible that they have a good life, perhaps a better one than married people in some regards. This is where people need to rely on what they have learned at church to lead these great lives.
The following men's Christian inspirational books can all be found on Amazon, so they are easy to order online. You can take a moment to read through the list and get synopses of what they are all about. There are a plethora of subjects, but they are all on healthy Christian living principles and living the Christian lifestyle for men.

Check Out More

Men's Christian Inspirational Books

1. Twelve Ordinary Men: How The Master Shaped His Disciples For Greatness And What He Wants To Do With You 
by John F. MacArthur
This book shows how God chose ordinary men to be the disciples of Jesus. It is inspirational to the modern man because one can know that being normal does not mean that one cannot be used powerfully by God. That's why this read has been included in the category of Christian men's study books.

2. Breakfast at Sally's: One Homeless Man's Inspirational Journey

by Richard LeMieux
This is an autobiography that shows that one man can have it all in the world's eyes, but then lose it all again in a moment. Richard LeMieux specifically interacted with the Salvation Army when he was homeless. It shows how Christian organizations can help men find hope.    
Strength in Faith Devotional: A 52-Week Inspirational Book for Men 
by Brandan Robertson
With inspiration in the title, you know that this will be a book that uplifts. This year in devotionals shows men how to lead the Christian life with integrity. There is even a spot for journaling after each devotion, making this a great choice if you are looking for Christian books for men's groups. 

4. Billy Graham: The Man I Knew 
by Greg Laurie
Anyone would want a glimpse into the life of Billy Graham. He is a famous evangelist that has since passed on. This novel is well researched and will show sides of Billy Graham that help men to remember him as the leader he was. 
5. Shaken: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life's Storms

by Tim Tebow
Most men have heard of the athlete Tim Tebow. He's been through a difficult journey too as he was in the media a lot. The lens of the public eye can be quite unforgiving. This novel is one of the best men's Christian inspirational books because it shows how Tim learned to make his identity Christ-centered rather than depending on public opinion to mold him. 

The Man I Was Destined to Be: Addiction, Incarceration, and the Road Back to God 
by Michael Tandoi
This book shows that even incarceration and drug addiction cannot thwart God's plans to use someone. It can be considered as one of the great Christian men's self help books because it is encouraging for men who have been to jail and are struggling to regain footing in the world. 

Here Are A Few More Of The Best

Men's Christian Inspirational Books

7. A Gate Called Beautiful: How God Transforms Your Pain into Power
by Brandon Sutton
Brandon Sutton has been through nightmares in life. He was arrested for a crime that he did not commit. Now, he is showing everyone that even the worst nightmares can be transformed into something positive through God's grace.

8. He Fights for You: 40 Promises for Everyday Battles

by Max and Andrea Lucado
This is another one of the best Christian books for men by a beloved author and his wife that is short but sweet. It has 64 pages full of scripture and other reminders that God is in one's corner.

Everyday Strength: A Cancer Patient's Guide To Spiritual Survival 
by Randy Becton
This book is unique because it includes thoughts and prayers for people that are going through cancer. This illness is prevalent in modern-day society and it is nice to see a book that thinks of the unique challenges cancer patients and their families face. 

10. From The Foster House To The White House

by Terrence Williams
Anyone who knows about foster care knows that it can be an unpleasant experience. This book shows that people who are rejected and abused at a young age can still go on to greatness. This is Terrence's story on how he went from foster care to the White House.   

Here's Why Doing Time With God Is One Of The Best...

Men's Christian Inspirational & Self Help Books

As you look for men's Christian inspirational books, you will find many great options on this page and website. Doing Time With God shines light into maximum security prisons and shows what is possible when crime victims and prisoners lay everything on the line and and trust God in ways they never have before.

Today's book market is flooded with titles and many people have different views about what books fit in the category of top selling men's Christian books. Doing Time With God  has become more popular in the last year or so because it shows how crime victims and criminals are healing and being rehabilitated by God's love.

Not only does this book show how God is transforming lives in the last place many would expect, it is written so readers can see themselves in the stories and apply reflection questions to grow in Christ-likeness.

Doing Time With God Is One Of The Most Inspiring  Christian Books For Men Because It Takes You On A Journey Of Transformation Through The Love Of Christ

One Of The Most  Inspirational Christian Books For Men, Doing Time With God  Is An Easy Read & Powerful In The Way God's Presence Shines Through The Stories

Doing Time With God Is One Of The Best Men's Christian Inspirational Books Because It Opens The Heart, Touches The Soul, And Renews The Mind 

While reading this book, you may experience these things happening in yourself. Discussion questions and an afterword by the author invite you to reflect on your own journey, discover new meaning, and expand this movement of Peace in your life.  

"Doing Time with God is packed full of courage, wisdom, and inspiration. I recommend this book to anyone who has lived the valleys and peaks of life; folks who are struggling with forgiveness, for those who are dealing with anger or loss. This book will give insight into what true unconditional love is like."
Scott H.

"…The presence of a loving, nurturing, and persistent God weaves its way through each page-turning account of how lives are changed by Faith. I highly recommend this book."
Joseph Pryor

Assistant Warden; Chief Chaplain, Federal Bureau of Prisons (retired)

"Restorative justice is, simultaneously, an ancient way of healing individuals and community, and at the cutting edge of the intersection between faith and justice. Doing Time with God and Bill Dyer are right at that edge."
Allison DeFoor

Prison Minister, Lawyer and Former Judge and Sheriff

"I read this with some skepticism at the beginning, but it truly opened my eyes to a new perspective regarding people who have committed crimes. Before reading this book I was more likely than not to condemn without any regard to understanding the person involved, and this book taught me to look at things in a different light. If I can be convinced to consider a new perspective, then this book is well written, informative and convincing."
Mike G.


"It is a tough thing to put aside your bias and offer help to those that have hurt others but after reading this book...the chapters offer a glimpse into a world most don't know or understand but the result is nothing short of amazing! "
Ryan B.  Murder Victim Family Member 
"The author conveys the message of God’s redemptive love in a moving and provocative way, without the use of big religious words or complicated theological thoughts. It’s a well written book telling compelling stories of healing; victims feel heard, offenders find hope of becoming valued members of society and the reader is moved in unexpected ways.”
S. Hicks